Since there isn’t much information available on Honey Vape cartridges, we’re going to explore what makes them special.
As much as vaporizer products such as the G Pen or MicroG Pen (which require loading loose concentrates into an empty tank) remain very popular with cannabis users, anyone who’s recently visited their dispensary will notice a rise in pre-filled cartridges that can be attached to vaporizer batteries (often called “mods”) of their choice.
Despite being a bit more expensive than the product contained within on its own, these pre-filled vape cartridges provide convenience and reliability, making them a great alternative.
Taking a Peek Behind the Scenes
Several vape-cartridge brands are popping up in dispensaries around California, including Honey Vape. It is strange that the company is little known, despite their presence in many collectives, and that information on an actual Honey Vape cartridge is even rarer.
The Order Honey Vape carts online are stocked at at least two different dispensaries in my area, and a Nugg search reveals three dispensaries that will deliver them.
The Honey Vape company has stated in no uncertain terms that their cartridges are high in THC and free of unnatural solvents. Several of their products contain THC content within that range according to Cannabis Reports, although they advertise a 75%+ THC content.
Solventless means that there was no butane used during production. Despite BHO (butane hash oil) generally being the more popular concentrate, there is the slight but present risk of butane not being properly purged, which can be harmful if consumed. Even if everything has been done correctly and all the solvent has been purged, some people simply prefer their smoke or vapor to contain no unnatural chemicals.
Maintenance Is Required, But Honey Vapes Do The Job
The most important feature of any Honey Vape cartridge is its potency. A vape pen is unlikely to deliver the same intense high as ground herb smoked through a high quality water pipe, so potency is relative. Honey Vape oil cartridges, however, are on the more potent end of the scale when it comes to oil intended for vaporization. Additionally, they’re solventless, so they’re a little cleaner tasting.
The product does not exhibit any unique features beyond these points, because for a pre-loaded vape cartridge to be effective, it needs to be simple and easy to use. When purchasing pre-filled cartridges, customers are likely more concerned with convenience or portability than potency. In this respect, Honey Vape cartridges are an excellent choice.
Can I use Honey Vape Cartridges?
Whether you should purchase a Honey Vape cart depends on whether pre-heating them is an issue for you.
If you’re going to use your vaporizer primarily on the go, or just want vaporizing to be as simple as pressing a button and inhaling, this isn’t the product for you. The less maintenance required by other cartridges may compensate for what they lack in potency.
If you prefer a less intense high and a cleaner taste from properly vaporizing concentrates, and will mostly be using your vaporizer at home with access to hot water (or a blow dryer), then this is the vaporizer cartridge for you. It can be found in many dispensaries and will work more quickly and effectively than most others.
It’s important to note that the company has virtually no information online regarding their brand or products, but that’s the purpose of this post and Nugg lets you search for products in-stock at dispensaries near you.