Steroids for Women – Guide for Women Who Take Steroids

Steroids are one of the best supplements that help you to increase your muscle mass and strength in a very short time. Both men and women use them. Steroids for women are different from those used by male athletes. Nowadays, the best steroids for women have highly searched terms on Google. Millions of women are looking to achieve their fitness goals.
There are very few options for women to use anabolic steroids compared to men. Women can only use those anabolic steroids, which are mild in nature. They can use mild anabolic steroids such as Anavar, Clenbuterol, Winstrol, Boldenone, and Primobolan. They use anabolic steroids to improve their physique and overall athletic performance. Here, we will discuss the best steroids for women.
Table of Contents
What Are Anabolic Steroids?
Anabolic steroids are a synthetic variation of the primary male sex hormone called testosterone that naturally occurs in the body. It is available in two different forms that are available in the market:
- Oral Anabolic Steroids (Pills, tablets, or capsule)
- Injectable Anabolic Steroids (Injections)
All oral anabolic steroids and some injectable anabolic steroids are liver toxic. When you use liver toxic anabolic steroids, you should use liver toxic supplements such as SamaGen or LIV-52. These supplements protect your liver damage and various liver diseases. You can find the top-quality anabolic steroids for sale (
Why Female Bodybuilders Use Anabolic Steroids?
Based on a research study (, female users frequently use steroids to improve their physique and overall athletic performance. Bodybuilders use steroids:
- Steroids are used to improve body shape, image, and physical appearance.
- They are used to increase muscle mass and strength.
- It also increases overall physical strength.
- They are also used to reduce body fats.
- Some anabolic steroids are used to treat women with breast cancer, anemia, and other diseases.
Risk And Side Effects Of Steroids For Women
Steroids’ side effects and risk are associated with several factors such as steroids dosage, cycle duration, and your age and gender. When you use its high dose or long-term use of anabolic steroids, it may cause several side effects that affect your health negatively.
Based on the Food and Drug Administration (, long-term use of anabolic steroids may cause adverse effects on your organs. It is important to follow the strict instructions and recommended dosage with protection. This will help you to avoid several side effects.
Here are risk and possible side effects that female athletes may face:
- Deepen voice
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Increase facial and body hair
- Breast shrinkage
- Mood swings
- Oily Skin and Acne
- Enlarge the clitoris
- Make skin rough
- Liver toxic
- High blood pressure
- Increase bad cholesterol level
What Are The Benefits Of Using Steroids For Women?
Men and women widely use anabolic steroids due to their effective results. When you consume them correctly with the right stack or follow the recommended dosage with protection, It will provide you various benefits:
- Increase muscle mass
- Increase strength and stamina
- Increase overall performance
- Reduce body fats
- Useful to reduce body weight
- Improve endurance level
- Fast recovery rate
- Improve sexual desire
- Stronger bone
- Improve bone density
Note that only the correct dosage and the right stack of anabolic steroids will give you desired results. So, you always have to follow the recommended dosage with protection, cycle duration and perform the post-cycle therapy (based on requirement) at the end of the steroids cycle. This will help to get maximum results with minimum side effects.
Note: Clenbuterol is not an anabolic steroid, so you don’t have to perform the PCT, and when you use Anavar doses less than 50 mg per day, you aren’t required to perform the PCT.
What Are The Best Steroids For Women?
Women can only use steroids that are mild in nature. If the anabolic steroids have strong anabolic and androgenic properties, women should avoid them because potent anabolic steroids can cause virilization effects in female users. So, we recommended you the best anabolic steroids for women, such as:
- Winstrol – It is also known as Win, Winny, or Stanozolol. Winstrol (Stanozolol) is available in both injectable and oral form, which is also known as Winstrol Depot and Winstrol pills. Oral Winstrol has a n active half-life of around 8 hours, while Winstrol depot (injectable form) has an active half-life of about 24 hours. A mild anabolic steroid promotes lean muscle mass gain, fat loss, and strength gains.
- Anavar – It is also known as Var or Oxandrolone. Var is available in oral forms. So, bodybuilders and professional athletes use Anavar pills to improve their muscle mass, body strength, and overall performance. Anavar is not that much effective in building muscle mass, but it significantly enhances your strength and allows you to do more and a high-intensity workout. Anavar’s active half-life is around 10 to 12 hours.
- Clenbuterol – It is also known as Clen. Clenbuterol is not an anabolic steroid, but it is a steroid-like compound similar effect to steroids. It has an active half-life of around 36 hours. Clenbuterol is one of the most potent fat burners used by bodybuilders, athletes, and even by Hollywood celebrities. When you consume Clen, it will relax your muscles tissues and improve your breathing. Clen is available in oral form, so that you can buy Clen pills from the top reputable websites.
- Deca Durabolin – It is also known as Deca or Nandrolone. Deca Durabolin is widely used for bulking purposes and cutting purposes. However, it gives more effective results in the bulking cycle. When you combine Deca with the right stack, it helps you to increase significant muscle mass and overall body strength. Deca Durabolin’s active half-life is around 15 days; it is a long-acting anabolic steroid. Deca is available in the injectable form.
- Primobolan – It is also known as Primo. Primobolan is one of the safest anabolic steroids, which bodybuilders and athletes use to improve their physical appearance and overall performance. It has an active half-life of around 6 hours. Primobolan steroid is available in both injectable and oral forms in the market. When you follow its recommended dosage with protection, you will get numerous advantages in terms of bodybuilding.
All of the above anabolic steroids are safe for women to use. Women always have to use lower doses of anabolic steroids compared to men. They will get desirable results even with its lower dosage. All the above anabolic steroids are mild in nature, but that doesn’t mean they won’t cause any side effects. If you use its high dose and long-term use, it may cause various side effects that affect your health.
Where to Buy Anabolic Steroids?
You have to buy anabolic steroids only from the top reputable steroid websites or from pharmaceutical companies. Because nowadays, many websites and companies sell fake products that affect your health negatively and give you zero outcome results. So, be aware of these types of counterfeit products before purchasing them.
You can purchase high-quality anabolic steroids from the top reputable steroids website like We sell 100% original products that directly come from the most prestigious laboratories. Our original and high-quality steroids help you to get desirable results with few side effects.
Women have very few options to choose the right anabolic steroids compared to men. Even they can not use high doses like men users. When women choose the right anabolic steroids with the correct stack, they will achieve their target goals and maximum results. Above we have advice on the best-recommended steroids for women. You can take advice from our coaching experts ( to perform the steroids cycle to achieve maximum results with fewer side effects.