Are STD tests usually covered by insurance? STD testing is not usually a part of your annual physical checkup at your general practitioner or clinic. So be absolutely sure to inquire about STD testing before your visit. Be as forthcoming as possible with your doctor or nurse regarding your sex life, so that they can assist you in choosing which tests would best suit you.
A very common STD that is prevalent in the United States is genital herpes. This STD can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact or anal intercourse. There are no symptoms associated with genital herpes, and it is quite contagious. Therefore, it is crucial that you seek treatment immediately if you are exposed to this STD.
In men, the most common STD is bacterial vaginosis. This is characterized by an unusual fishy odor, burning and itching of the genital area, and sometimes a white-colored discharge. Sometimes this STD may produce symptoms such as swelling of the lymph nodes or jock itch. Treatment involves antibiotics, which kill off the offending bacteria. Many times, a man will experience no symptoms. If you experience any, you should consult your doctor right away to determine if your symptoms are of an STD or otherwise.
An STD test can be done quickly, simply, and easily at your doctor’s office. These STD tests include pap tests (for cervical cancer testing), gonorrhea and chlamydia testing, and even more common stds like urinary tract infections and genital herpes. If you test positive for any of these STD’s at any time, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible to start treatment right away.
Most doctors will offer patients an STD test kit that can be purchased at a local . If you don’t want to wait for the results to be mailed to you or get tested in a lab, you can always order online. STD tests can be ordered online in minutes and with minimal questions being asked of the patient.
There are many STD clinics that offer STD tests and treatments. STD clinics offer confidential, fast, easy, and private testing for a wide variety of STD’s. All testing procedures are done by private doctors who are experienced with STD testing and treat sexually active adults. STD testing is quick, simple, painless, and easy to get. If you believe you might have a sexually transmitted disease (STD), it is important to have a regular check-up with your doctor so he or she can advise you on how to prevent STDs.