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Is Alcohol Addiction Inherited?

Is Alcohol Addiction Inherited?

Alcohol addiction is one of the most common addictions in Britain, and like many other addictions, it can run in families, particularly when there’s a history of alcoholism in the family. In fact, research has shown that if you have at least one alcoholic parent, your chance of becoming an alcoholic yourself increases by 40% over someone who doesn’t have this risk factor. At first glance, this might seem like quite an alarming statistic, but as with most things related to our DNA, it’s not quite as simple as that.

Are you predisposed to alcohol addiction?

If you have a parent or grandparent who has struggled with alcohol addiction, then there’s a good chance that you could end up dealing with similar issues. As genetics are becoming more and more understood by scientists, we’re learning that our DNA plays a big role in how we respond to alcohol. A recent study showed that having just one of certain gene variants can double your risk of alcoholism—and having two copies will quadruple it! According to research, roughly 50% of whether or not you develop an alcohol problem is determined by your genes. So if one or both of your parents were alcoholic, there’s definitely an increased risk.

3 Types of Alcohol Rehab Centers

Alcohol rehab centers can be either inpatient or outpatient, and they may or may not have a residential component. Inpatient and residential programs require a patient to live at a facility for an indefinite period of time—typically 30, 60, or 90 days. These types of alcohol treatment programs are best for those who have serious alcohol addictions that could lead to severe health consequences if left untreated. Outpatient programs do not require that patients stay overnight at a center and often allow people to come in during off-hours as well. Although outpatient rehab is generally less intensive than its inpatient counterpart, it’s important to note that there are some cases where outpatient treatment has been more effective than someone attending 12-step meetings without any formal substance abuse treatment program.

What is the Best Way to Stay Sober Long Term?

While some people are able to find a way to handle their cravings for alcohol and stay sober, most people who are struggling with an addiction end up relapsing in one way or another. This doesn’t mean that they can’t learn how to overcome their addiction and remain sober, however, it simply means that they’re going to need some extra help during these times. If you know someone who is struggling with alcohol addiction and you want them to have all of the help that they can get, consider sending them to a private rehab. Alcohol rehab North Wales offers several different options depending on your needs, and designed to help your loved one learn how to stay sober long term!

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