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Here Are 5 Ways To Experience The Benefits Of Ayurvedic Healing

Here Are 5 Ways To Experience The Benefits Of Ayurvedic Healing

There is no alternative to Ayurvedic medicine, which is referred to as Ayurveda. As an ancient medical system, Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words – Ayur, meaning life or longevity, and Veda, meaning knowledge or wisdom. Hence, Ayurveda translates to “knowledge of life”. As one of the oldest systems of medicine, Ayurveda comes from India and has been around for more than 5000 years.

It is essentially based on balancing the three doshas of the body, i.e. the Vata dosha, the Kapha dosha, and the Pitta dosha, in order to prevent and treat diseases. When all three of these doshas or systems are balanced, our physical, mental, and spiritual health improves, improving the quality of life in general.

In Ayurveda healing, the following 5 health conditions can be treated:

1. Disorders of Digestion

With our lifestyles being so unpredictable, many of us experience digestive issues like heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, acid reflux, and constipation. According to Ayurveda, these problems are a result of toxic substances accumulating in the body, or “ama”. A weak digestive system, untimely food habits, or wrong foods are responsible for these problems. The Pitta dosha oversees the digestive tract and controls how acids and enzymes digest the food, according to Ayurveda. When the pitta dosha is imbalanced, digestive problems result. An Ayurvedic diet and herbal formulations for digestion disorders may help to maintain a healthy gut.

2. Diseases of the Respiratory System

In recent years, respiratory problems have been on the rise due to a number of factors, such as increasing air pollution, a lack of immunity from poor dietary habits, and unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking. Breathing problems, congestion, colds, coughs, and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, asthma or emphysema are all common respiratory problems. Most respiratory system disorders are caused by a Kapha Dosha imbalance, according to Ayurveda.

3. Angst and Stress

Vata Dosha governs the nervous system primarily. When someone experiences anxiety or stress, there is a Vata imbalance. In Ayurvedic medicine, herbs are believed to restore the balance of Vata dosha and promote positive mental functioning by relaxing the body and mind.

4. Atopic Dermatitis

Combinations of ayurvedic medicines are widely regarded as the best natural treatment for healthy skin, whether applied externally or internally. Treatment for skin problems in Ayurvedic medicine targets the causes of the doshas. The skin of people who have a Vata dosha imbalance will be thin, dry, delicate and wrinkle-prone, the skin of a Pitta dosha individual will be more prone to rash and breakouts, and people with a Kapha imbalance will have thick, oily skin that tends to be acne-prone. Creating harmony in your imbalanced dosha is crucial for healthy skin.

5. Diabetes

It has been seen that diabetes has been on the rise in India, especially among younger people. When sugar levels are not regularly controlled or caused by side effects of allopathic medications, diabetes is a hub for complications. Diabetes ayurvedic medicines are extremely effective in controlling blood glucose levels without causing adverse effects.

Its greatest benefit is that it focuses on holistic improvement of the body and is based on individualized treatment. Ayurvedic medicine is a treasure of India. By restoring balance and harmony to our systems, we can return to our roots through Ayurveda.

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