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Cocaine Overdose: Symptoms and How to Seek Help

Cocaine Overdose: Symptoms and How to Seek Help

Cocaine Overdose

Cocaine is a powerful drug that has a magical effect on the body. Users cannot stop taking cocaine as it is highly addictive. Whenever someone feels like they cannot keep going, a line of cocaine can easily fix that. However, people start to believe that they are capable of handling a greater dose. This results in a cocaine overdose. An excessive amount of any drug can prove deadly. Therefore, it is crucial to know the symptoms and seek help such as gambling rehab to stop. 

Symptoms of Cocaine Overdose

When the brain or body is over-stimulated by cocaine, it leads to an overdose. It causes a number of physiological and psychological symptoms. This is why it is important to look out for symptoms to avoid excessive use and opt for luxury rehab early on. Cocaine overdose happens unexpectedly. The following signs should keep you alert.

Aftermath of Cocaine Overdose

The truth is that a cocaine overdose can be very scary. Anyone that experiences it would tell you that they would rather seek gambling rehab than to ever repeat the same experience again. The after-effects of cocaine overdose are unpleasant as well. In fact, it would result in long-term psychological complications and physical damage. The increase in body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate can trigger an organ shutdown, seizure, stroke, or even a heart attack. Anyone who is not healthy would suffer from a fatal aftermath. 

How to Help During Cocaine Overdose?

1. Contact an Ambulance

Since cocaine takes rapid effect, it is important that you contact emergency services immediately. There is no need to fear police involvement as a recreational user. When you call an ambulance, you will get the help needed.

2. Remain Calm

As you wait for medical personnel to reach your location, you need to stay calm as getting stressed out would only make matters worse.

3. Stay Cool

Since cocaine overdose causes a rise in body temperature, you need to cool down as much as possible. Although you cannot expect to take a cold shower, it is a good idea to place a chilled bottle of water, frozen peas, or an icepack on your head, under the armpits, behind the neck, and anywhere else where you feel hot.

4. Properly Place the Person

If the person starts to experience a seizure, it is important that you place them somewhere they are unlikely to injure themselves like carpeted flooring and away from anything sharp.

5. Provide the Right Information

Finally, you need to be completely honest with the medical personnel once they arrive and let them know how much cocaine has been consumed and how it was administered to get the right treatment.


Now that you know everything about cocaine overdose, it is important that you sign up for luxury rehab to seek treatment early on.

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