A Beginner’s Guide to Use Marijuana Safely

Now recreationally legal in well over a dozen states across the USA, more and more people are becoming interested in marijuana. Some want to consume it simply to get the “high” effects, while others may use it for controlling pain, helping with sleep or reducing anxiety.
But if you are brand new to the world of marijuana, it is a good idea to educate yourself first. While knowing the benefits, potential drawbacks, effects and potential side effects is important, it is also crucial you know how to use it safely.
With that in mind, this article and the tips inside of it is going to serve as a beginner’s guide for the safe use of marijuana.
Choose the Right Method of Consumption

The first thing to think about is the consumption method. There are several different ways you can consume marijuana. This includes using a bong, a pipe, a joint, some edibles, a dropper, a vape pen, some capsules and many others.
There are no right or wrong options, and will depend on your preferences and where you are. For example, if you live in an apartment that doesn’t allow you to smoke, consuming an edible or a vape pen might be the way to go. Oftentimes, edibles can be a little more intense, so if you go with that option, be careful.
If you want to experiment with different options, consider something like the Me Time Box, which is a subscription box that sends you a variety of smoking pieces, accessories and products. Over time you will likely develop a favorite and eventually know which you prefer.
Choose the Right Type
There are three main “types” of marijuana to consider, which are generally called indica, sativa and hybrid. You need to choose the right one for the type of experience you are trying to have. Indicas are generally for a more body-focused relaxing high and often have more CBD. Sativa, on the other hand, often gives people more energy, is more of a head-high and can help with productivity or alertness.
As you could imagine, hybrids generally reside somewhere in the middle. In addition to this, different strains may have different levels of THC in them. This is what makes you feel “high”, so a strain with higher THC percentages will typically get you higher than one that is lower.
Of course, make sure you are always getting your marijuana from a source that is legal and safe. The last thing you want is to not really know what you are consuming and what the THC levels are.
Start Slow and Small
When you are a new user, it is very important that you start small with your doses. Everyone has a different tolerance for marijuana. As someone just starting out, yours is likely quite low. If you consume too much, it could be an uncomfortable experience and one you regret.
You can always take more if you don’t feel the effects, but can’t “take back” what you already smoked or consumed. Over time, you will begin to learn how much it takes, and how much is too much. Also, because you may not know how the effects that marijuana will have on you, it is a good idea to keep a clear schedule in case.
In conclusion, we hope that this blog post has been able to help you learn how to consume marijuana in a way that is safe.